Grading and Homework Policies

Grading Policy:

The grading policy works on a percentage system. Tests, quizzes, essays, homework, class work, class participation, and journals are assigned a percentage listed below. If you ever have any question about your grades, or how you are doing in class, please do not hesitate to see me after or before class to see where your grade stands. The percentages are as follows:

  • Tests/essays:  30%

  • Midterm exam: 10%

  • Final exam: 10%

  • Homework/class work/ class participation: 25%

  • Quizzes/journals: 25%

Letter Grades:

A = 90-100       B= 80-89        C= 79-90         D=69-65        F= 64 and below

Homework Policy: 

The homework policy is as follows:

  • All homework must be placed in the bin labeled "Incoming" on my desk before the final bell rings. 

  • Late homework policy- If you miss an assignment, it can be turned in the next day to me for 1/2 credit. If turned in after the next day, no credit will be given. 

  • Late major essays/assignments policy- If you miss a major essay or assignment, you can turn it in starting one grade lower. For example if the essay is late, an "A" paper would be marked down to a "B". If turned in after the next day, the paper will begin as "C". If turned in after that, no credit will be given. 

Plagiarism/Cheating Policy:

I begin the semester with complete trust in each of you. Please, do not break this trust by being dishonest. I encourage you all to learn cooperatively in group discussions and brainstorming activities, but please be aware there are times where this is not appropriate (take home test, essays, midterm exam, final exam, any individual assignment). The consequences for cheating on a test are:

  • 1st time: verbal warning, and the grade on the test getting marked down by 50%
  • 2nd time: 0% on the test and being sent down to the principal's office

If you have plagiarized an essay, whether it be from another student or from the Internet, it will receive no credit.